Monday, September 17, 2007

There once was a man from Nantucket

My husband is taking Martin's 405 poetry class, and they decided to do limericks for the fun of it. Limericks are by nature crude -- so of course, I like them. I decided to try my hand at it, just for fun. You might not want to read it if you are a die-hard republican or easily offended. :)

There once was a GOP-man named Larry
whose fear of gays caused him to marry,
but in the stalls his wide stance
gave most young men a chance
to show him he was such a fairy.

One day in the Minneapolis airport
Larry flirted too much with the wrong sort.
The man took out his badge,
Larry said, "I'm no cadge!"
The cop said, "Tell your story in court."

In Boise the truth here is well-known
The Senator has always been cock-prone -
Since his days as a vandal,
he's barely 'scaped scandal ...
Now he's reaping the the Karma he's sewn.

The moral of the story's quite clear:
there's nothing wrong with being queer,
but a senator must
keep control of his lust -
lest his cock cause more chortles than fear.

1 comment:

Micah Reeves said...

Hilarious! Just my two cents on your limerick! :)